Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Things Kids Say

I want to start a list of the things my kids say or lessons I learn from the kids every day at camp. It amazes me at what some children say because sometimes it can be so profound or so eloquently said but in simple language --maybe it's the clarity of how they express it. I don't know. But it reminds me of one of my favorite phrases: "Childlike faith moves mountains"

So Monday Rebecca asked how to hear the voice of God and what it sounds like. She also wanted to know how you know the Holy Spirit is talking to you. It was a cool conversation, and I got to share how God has spoken to me in a variety of ways, and how the more I get to know Him the easier it is for me to hear Him.

I'm currently teaching my junior high group about sexual abstinence under our Define Your Identity program. Last week a kid asked me a question, and I gave him or her (can't remember now) an answer but I said that that was an excellent question to ask their parents because their parents could probably do a better job explaining it than I can. And one boy responded "No way. I do not talk to my parents about this stuff because sex is awkward and I don't want to have this type on conversation with them." I totally get it and I am glad that I at least get to be the one to explain sexual abstinence. I'm not doing a sex education class. I'm talking about a bigger picture thing and helping them think long-term, which is cool. I hope that when I am a parent one day I will know how to talk to my kids about sex and sexual abstinence in a way that is not awkward but real, honest, and open.

A kindergartner I pick up has also been saying some deep stuff. His parents are getting divorced right now so life is tough because they are always fighting and he has to go back and forth between them. He said the other day that he wishes his life would end now so that he could just go to heaven. When I asked why he said that heaven is going to be so cool because we can have fun all the time and eat whatever we want and the streets are going to be made out of gold and we will get to live in gold houses and we will always be happy!! AMEN brother!!!

Let's see, there have been so many quotes recently that I wish I could blog while working sometimes because I want to write everything down. The memories I make at this job are amazing and I grow so much just as these kids are growing, and it's quite the experience. Praise God for His creations!