Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lessons Learned

A week has just about passed, and I have been pulled and yet fulfilled in so many ways. Taking care of 4 energetic children this week plus balancing work and school was a lot for one week. And yet, I learned so much. Though it was exhausting at times, it had its rewarding moments too. Here are some things I learned this week:

The Deep Thoughts:

1. Pray always. This was huge. Every morning on the less than 5 minute drive to school, I had one of the kids pray. I don't know about them, but it sure started my day off great hearing them talk to Jesus, and it helped remind me to continually pray for those munchkins during the day. Then, a kid always prayed at dinner. Then, I'd pray for them at bed time too. What an amazing opportunity to pray with children and be an example of Christ to them.

2. Rearrange your life around your kids to meet their needs. In a way, parents have to be selfless. They have to put their priorities aside sometimes to tend to their children. However, spending time with kids is rewarding! Multiple times this week I would have loved to get some schoolwork or other chores done, but seeing the kids so excited to see me or want to talk to me or play with me reminded me that I need to pour into their lives. Even if it was just blow drying their hair for 5 minutes, I had the chance to bless them and see their warm smiles (and yes, I dried Cooper's hair twice, Hope's, and Faith's!). The best example of this that I can share was Wednesday. First of all, Eddie came home sick at 9:30 am. I had to leave work, though I got some stuff done with him at home. I had to go back to work, but I was able to get off a little early. My class started at 7, but I told Amy I would come home to help cook dinner and shower the kids. When I got home around 5:30, Faith was all excited about the art show fundraiser at school. I hadn't even heard of this, but it sounded important and so I said, well let's eat really fast and go. We can zip in and out, get back in time for showers, and then I can start my class. Man, we rushed dinner and booked it to the art show. The car ride alone was hilarious. Crazy laughter :) Then the art show was fantastic. The kids were so excited to see their art displayed and even more thrilled that we bought it. I especially liked that we were stand-in "Mrs. Harley" and could put Chalena's name on all their art! What talented kids she and Ed have, and what a joy to provide the support, encouragement, and accolades to the kids. Back home, shower time was silly and wet, but just another 15 minutes we could spend with the kids instead of doing things for myself.

3. Parenting is a full-time responsibility and it takes two! Having sick kids kept me on my toes and near my cell phone at all times praying I would not get a call that someone was sick or hurt. I wouldn't say I was worried, but I just wanted the best for the kids all week, and Amy and I worked hard that they always had food, support, and a friend to play with. And, it definitely takes two to raise kids. It was awesome having the support of another adult to reinforce rules, compare notes regarding children behavior or needs, some to relieve you for 5 minutes, and then someone to sit and talk with at the end of the day. I don't know how single-parents do it, but I definitely have a lot of respect and empathy for them. Actually, I now I have a ton of respect and empathy for ALL parents - what a huge job, especially when kids are sick!!

And now the fun stuff:

1. Stay on top of the dishes. Boy did that sink pile up with every meal! I got into a rhythm of doing the dishes regularly so that there were always clean cups and the kitchen was always clean and organized. At least one area of the Mommy-life could be calm!

2. Buy in bulk. Important reminder especially with so many kids. I think we went through two gallons of milk, two jugs of apple juice, almost two pitchers of Crystal Light, a ton of other food. But it's not just about the food and liquid - it's even the plastic bags!

3. Kids can talk and make tons of noises in their sleep and it does not mean that they are in trouble. So the first night, there were a lot of noises coming out of a room, and we were so paranoid or worried, but then by night 3 I realized that everything is okay, and the kids are safe and sleeping soundly. If something happens, I will definitely know immediately.

4. Finally, It's okay to be silly and goofy. We were strict at the beginning to show them whose boss, but then towards the end we sure had our moments of being totally crazy with the kids, and that only brought more joy, smiles, and laughter!

All in all, it was such a great week. I learned a lot about myself by serving others. I experienced parts of the world through the eyes of children, and best of all, I got to love of them like a parent would. I am so glad I am not a parent yet, but I definitely pray for the opportunity to be a mother one day because I look forward to blessing my family and raising my children in Christ.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Life of a Mom

7 am. Wake up to shouting. Solve the problem among four kids with an easy compromise, but it was difficult because I still didn't have my cup of coffee. 7:15 Finally get coffee. Shower and get ready for the day. Breakfast. Yesterday's dirty dishes. Start dishwasher. Clean counters. Sweep floor. Get kids ready for church. Brush and style hair. 8:55 out the door for church. Get the kids to Sunday School. Another rambunctious adventure, and the leaders weren't ready for us. 9:15 Worship. Wonderful break, finally. 10:30 Get kids from Sunday School. Donut craze in fellowship hall. The wild behavior continues. Played games all day. Books, Xbox Kinect, dance parties, Go Fish, card games, puzzles, Basketball, and Hide and Seek the Cell Phone. Lunch in the middle of all that, then prepared dinner. Ate, then danced some more, then played Monopoly. Kids finally go to bed at 7:30. Time to start in on the homework and solidify future plans. Oh no. Kid wakes up sick, barfing galore in his bed, on the floor, and over his stuffed animal. Strip the bed, find new sheets, get him some meds and back to sleep. Now it's time for laundry. One load in with the stinky sheets and dirty table cloth from one meal. Hand scrub and wash the stuffed animal, and dry it so that it's ready to sleep with tomorrow stink-free. 10:30 pm Back to the homework. Midnight: Get to bed for 6 hours of sleep before it's back to the grind with more homework before the kids wake up.

Oh the life of a mom. I sure do admire all the Super Mothers out there!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Daisy's Song (This Love is Stronger)

“Daisy’s Song (This Love is Stronger)” by Dominic Balli.

When that storm comes
Like a hurricane
And the sun seems far away

We will not fear the wind
We will not fear the waves
I can feel your calm within

When this life is shaken
By ragin’ seas
We are not gon’ be afraid

So if ya walk on waves and wind
Then hold my hand and I’ll walk again

This love is stronger than the blood that beats my heart
This love is deeper, than the pain of all these scars
This love goes farther than the hope in answer’s arms
This love is stronger
It’s strong enough for me

You lived our sorrows,
Befriended all our pain
All that we might rise again

You stole my sickness,
Rested in my disease
All that I might rest in thee

And you alone bring healing,
And for you I’ll wait
But we are not gon’ be afraid


We may be crushed but we are not ever forsaken
We may be struck down but we are not ever destroyed
Then when that fire comes to shine through me your glory
We are not gonna be afraid


Just wanted to save this part so that I can give it to someone eventually lol...
Chords here:

Verses and Chorus: Bb F Gm Eb
Pre Chorus: Cm – Bb/D Ebmaj7
Bridge: Eb F Bb-F/Ab-Gm Eb F Bb-F/Ab-Gm Eb F Bb-F/Ab-Gm Eb F Bb

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year and A New Stage

Life comes in stages. I thought that I had entered the post-college stage of my life where I needed to decide what I wanted to do next, and then set out on that course for my life. I had a new career goal and I started the stage in my life setting out to get to that career, which meant Grad School and things were great. But, in order to pay for grad school, I have to work. I love the work I do, and I pray daily that I will always love what I do and do what I love.

However, recently, times have been getting tough, which means stages are changing once again. School is getting more demanding, and I have to meet certain requirements. Work is getting more demanding as well, and yet things are changing there too.

My body is finally telling me that I can't do both at the same time. Or maybe that is God telling me now I have to pick. I'm not sure if I was defining myself in my work or my school, and I question that on a regular basis. Like am I not defining myself as a child of God and more in something of material value, and therefore is He taking that materialism away so that I stay defined in Him?

But anyways, I am stressed beyond belief. I have definitely cried enough to flood the Ventura River bed this year alone, and maybe twofold in the past 8 months. I feel like I am a little soul facing all these giants first in self-worth (thought I got over that in October), then in the piles of work, then in worry of not having finances to pay for school since I'm getting cut back at work, and then all the math I have to know to pass this last awful CSET that I'm struggling with.

I feel alone in all of this, yet I know that if I keep my thoughts on God, then He will fight the giants for me. All things are possible through Christ who stregthens me. Yet though I have that memorized and know in my heart that God will take care of me, be my provider, my fighter, my strength, my peace, my calm in the storm, my friend, my encourager, my constant, I always forget and come back to the "Woe is me, how can I do this?"

Change is okay and there is luxury and amazing-ness waiting for me at the end of all these struggles. I know I will be stronger for all this, but I need to keep my trust on God, and that I am not doing as well as I ought to be. It has just been a rough start for my new year that has not been filled with happiness. But blessed be the name of the Lord who gives and takes away and in Him I will find all joy and peace.